0Sunday. 19th February [1888]—Naples
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 February 1888 — Naples
Sunday. 19th February [1888]. Ola & I went down to Church & luckily it was not raining then– Terribly stormy weather. After lunch we walked to the aquarium with Henry & he went on by tram to Posillipo to see Sir James Lacaita. Ola & I walked after waiting for a shower to be over to the Grand Hotel. It was blowing & the waves were dashing over the sea wall. We saw the Edens & the Bronsons & took a cab back to our hotel. We went all 3 to dine with Mrs Bronson at the Grand Hotel & had an excellent dinner. Sat in the Edens’ room afterwards. Played patience & backgammon. A great storm came up & we were lucky to get a cab to get back to the Bristol. The storm increased, hail, rain, wind, thunder & lightening raged nearly all night.

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