0Saturday. 17th [March 1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 March 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 17th [March 1888]. Ola was so much better as to be able to get up for ½ hour. Went out with Henry after lunch. Called on Mar: Pandolfi. Found it was her “day” & met a lot of people there. We went to Mr Wood’s studio to see the picture he is going to send to the R.A. A priest coming out of a palace & girls kissing his hand—very pretty & very bright in colour. Met there a lot of friends. Home to tea. Visit from Bss Nitta & Lady Galway. Henry & I went to the concert at the Liceo—& a very bad one it was. Four ugly German girls dressed in white satin sang past songs very badly amongst them what they pronounced “Ru – bine – A dair”. We sat with the Hurtados– Got home early.

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