0Thursday. 5th [April 1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 April 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 5th [April 1888]. I went out in the morning with Lady Sophia to help her to buy old silk & then we went round by Mr Brown’s house to see if he cared to go to Burano this afternoon. He was out but we saw his mother. We lunched at 12 & then Henry, Lord Selborne, Lady Sophia Palmer, Sir A. Gordon, his son, Alice, Hallam & Annie Murray went off to Torcello & Murano in an Arsenal steam launch lent by Adl Canevaro & I remained with Ola & went out later in gondola & called on Mrs Sandford & the Bp of Gibraltar who arrived today to stay with Malcolm. The others returned abt 6 from their expedition very cold.

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