0Monday. 2nd [July 1888]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 July 1888 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Monday. 2nd [July 1888]. Cloudy day. I fished from bridge after breakfast & then went with John & fished down from Friswold. Beautiful day for fishing. Cloudy & light showers. I got nothing & only got home by 2 oclock. Rayd went to Bank & killed 4 lb grilse. Dined at 5 & Henry fished from Bijornis 1 trout. I rose a fish 2ce from bridge. Rayd 2 more grilse off bank & Fred a grilse from Lowr Grid: I after went to Low. Grid with Dahl & cast at the bank, got nothing.

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