0Wednesday. 5th September [1888]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 September 1888 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 5th September [1888]. Mr Haleys foreman called about the colours the drawing rooms are to be painted. At 11.30 we went to Montague Place to settle about what furniture to keep. Henry also found letters from Disraeli, Plummer, Ward, Warren, the MSS of Vivien Grey & brought them all away with him. Mrs Alexr Bagot came to luncheon & Mr Rassam. Mr Burton came to see me & gave me fresh prescriptions for I am not yet quite well. I took a walk to Jermyn St & back & did a little shopping. Home to tea soon after 5. Practised guitar. Had a Huguenot dinner consisting of my mother, Mr Jay the President of the American Huguenot society, Mr Faber the secy of the English society, Mr Geraud Browning the Ex secy, Richd Du Cane & Fred Layard. Mr Jay is a charming, handsome & courteous old man & we had a pleasant evening.

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