0Wednesday. 24th [October 1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 October 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 24th [October 1888]. I painted all the morning. Miss de Bunsen came to the studio. After lunch Carry Eden came to call & Mr Malcolm. We have suddenly discovered that the lock of Ola’s box sent by “petite vitesse” had been broken & most of her jewelry has gone. At 4 oclock Henry & I went to Bss Pfafius to meet the Gd Duke of Saxe-Weimar. We met a most scratch lot, mostly foreigners, Mme Holas & her daughter, Mr & Miss Brackett, Adl Canevaro, M. Cozzi &c &c. The Bss I had never seen before. She is a little old lady all doubled up—but she has the traces of great beauty. We had only known her daughter a fine woman no longer young. The Gd Duke arrived abt 5– He is a fine looking man, erect & young looking for his age. He spoke of pictures & art & seemed very intelligent. He had with him 2 ADC’s a young Ct Bylandt & a M. de Falconnet neither very interesting. Mlle Holas was asked to sing which was trying. Her voice is very loud & not sweet & she clung to the piano. Mlle Stefani sang. She has a sweet fresh voice & is well taught. Abt 6 the party broke up. We had a dinner of 12—Mrs Bronson, Mr Browning & Miss Browning, Mr & Mrs Fildes, Mr Woods, Mr & Mrs Eden.

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