0Friday. 26th [October 1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 October 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 26th [October 1888]. I painted all the morning. Felicio fetched away the bust. Carry Eden came to lunch with us. Mrs Burr called for me & took me out in her gondola. Henry took Carry, Ola & Nela and we all met at Mr Bartlett’s studio on the Giudecca near the Eden’s garden to see the picture he is painting of a regatta here. In its present stage we admited it very much. He is painting it in a barn in a garden on the Giudecca. Returned home to tea. Henry, I & Miss de Bunsen went to the Canevaros in the eveng & both Mr & Mrs Eden were there. Henry played whist & we gossipped.

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