0Friday. 9th [November 1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 November 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 9th [November 1888]. Henry & Nela walked & I, Mlle de Bunsen went out in gondola leaving cards & then picked up the others at the Stabto Venezia Murano & brought them home. The Pss of Montenegro & her daughter Olga came to tea & also Marzials & Mrs Burr. I read this evening Sir Morell Mackenzie’s book on the illness of the Emperor Frederick. It is most painful—& very abusive of the Germans & not gentlemanly but one feels as tho’ all the same he had saved the poor man for some time by preventing the operation & I conclude that Bergman must have been drunk when towards the end he bungled, putting the canula into the Emperor’s throat. Altogether it is a horrible thing to think of the squabbles of English & German Drs over a still open grave.

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