0Friday. 23rd [November 1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 November 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 23rd [November 1888]. Stayed in bed for breakfast—sat up at 10. Wrote letter. Mrs Eden came to lunch– Henry went to the Lido with the girls. I & Carry took a long walk. We began by going to the Pal. Modena to call on Baron Warsberg & see his house which he has arranged very charmingly. Then we walked on to S. Fantin & left some cards & went to the Bronsons in search of Edith. Finally found her at Carry’s house with Mr Eden. Came home in their gondola. Css Canevaro came to tea with me. She told me abt Warsbergs stupidity in having invited her & her husband to dinner without knowing her & then not going to them when invited. I tried to soothe saying he had not meant it. Henry took the girls to see Bocaccio at the Malibran. I went early to bed.

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