0Thursday. 29th [November 1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 November 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 29th [November 1888]. I woke with a headache & did nothing all day except play the guitar with Edith when she came at 12. She stayed to luncheon & afterwards she went out with Nela. Ola stayed at home with me & read to me while I laid on the divan. My head got worse & I remained there, had tea in studio till it was time to dress for dinner & Henry & I dined with Baron Warsberg. Met Mrs Eden, Mrs Bronson, Edith, Mr Browning & his sister, a Polish gentleman with an impossible name, Mr Klatzko. The latter a charming man. Has been a great deal in England & has known Lady Waldegrave very well. He is staying with Warsberg. In the evening was joined by Nela & there was an evening party– A lot of men & no Italians– Made the acquaintance of Bss Andreain the daughter of Meyerbeer—a handsome Jewish type very well dressed & pleasing manners. She & her husband & daughter are come to pass the winter here. My head was so bad I was glad to get home to bed.

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