0Saturday. 8th December [1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 December 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 8th December [1888]. Tea at 7.30 & sat talking with Henry till 8.15. We talked of Dizzy & his recollections of him. He said that by the letters he could not fix the date of what occurred when the Austens were at dinner & a note was brought in. Henry’s uncle said “Been in trouble again. I must go & get him out of a sponging house” on which he left the table. Dizzy was always in money troubles & vexed Mr Austen very much for at the time he was staving off the hour for paying him what he owed he was living in an expensive manner going into grand society. It is evident he married Mrs Lewis for her money altho’ afterwards he behaved very well to her—but she always was a goose & her mind was nowhere near his. Breakfast at 9. Painted till 12 & made some progress with my bit of Still life. Copied letters from 12 till 1– After lunch Henry & Nela went in gondola to the Lido. Ola, Bessie & I walked to S. Vio to attend the church practise. At 4 we walked on to the Edens & as we arrived there Mr Eden arrived in his steam launch having with him Henry & Nela who they he had met at the Lido. Carry came in a few minutes after having been to get the railway ticket for London as she starts tonight. Took leave of her. I was going to tea at the Pss of Montenegro but my head began to ache so Henry took the girls & I remained on the studio divan. Dined at 7. Henry took the girls to Lucrezia Borgia—Nanetti’s benefit. I was to have gone to Baron Warsberg but instead went to bed at 10 after practising the guitar.

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