0Thursday. 20th December [1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 December 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 20th December [1888]. Wrote a long letter to the Emps Frederick. Edith Bronson came to practice the guitar & stayed to lunch. M. Marzials came to lunch & afterwards we went to the Carol practice & sent Edith on home. Nela was in bed with a bad cold. Henry & Ola called for me & brought me home from the practice & Mr Woods, Mr Jameson, & Mr Sillence & M Marzials all met at our house to make preparatory arrangements for the tableaux we are going to do on Christmas Night & they remained to tea. Had a visit from Mlle de Meysenberg & later from Mme & Mlle Andrian. Dined at 8 & patience in evening. Ola music.

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