0Saturday. 12th [January 1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 January 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 12th [January 1889]. I had a lesson on the harmonium from Prof. Vianello in the morning—& copied Dizzy’s letters. In moving the piano out of the drawing room into the hall the servants dropped it & tore a hole in the felt carpet given me by the Sultan– I spent a long time sitting on the floor mending it & cd not go out & then went on copying letters till tea time. Ct Pallavicini & Dss Coffaro came to tea. We dined at 7 & had the trio in the evening Trombini, Tirendelli & Bn Andrian—they played very well. Abt 7 people came to hear them & it was very pleasant.

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