0Tuesday. 15th [January 1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 January 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 15th [January 1889]. Breakfasted at 10. I began to paint a replica of a sketch done years ago from our Belvidere. I intend it for Css Pisani as a “Valentine” while we stay with her next month. We lunched at 1. Mr Brown went to the Lido with us taking me in his sandolo. We walked on the Lido & got home to tea. Dined at 7 & went to hear the Ugonotti at the Fenice. It was very long & we were not home till 1. Prima donna was Litvinne a Russian—fine woman—fine voice but she sang too loud to please Venetian public who therefore [don’t] admire her much. Leo arrived from Milan to stay with us but was gone to bed when we came home from the Opera.

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