0Tuesday. 29th [January 1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 January 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 29th [January 1889]. We breakfasted at 10 & then I went down to the Belvidere & painted. After lunch we all sat & had coffee there in the sun. Mrs Brown came to see us. At 3 went out with Henry on foot. The “onagra” or low tide was so great it was not easy to get into the gondola or pay visits. We walked to the Piazza & then to the Stabto Venezia Murano where Henry went in & I went to leave a message for Mr Jameson; on the way I met Mrs Brown who begged me to go back to tea with her. I returned to the Stabto to beg Henry to send the gondola & went to Mrs Browns. Henry fetched me later with the gondola. Tonight was to have been the first night of the Sonnambula but Mme Nevada was ill so we did not go. Bss Andrian paid me a visit before dinner.

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