0Sunday. 3rd February [1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 February 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 3rd February [1889]. I had a headache but I managed to go 2oc to church. Mrs Browning came to tea with us & then I laid down till dinner. my head ached so that I had to leave the dinner table but I managed to go to the opera as we had promised Mme Nevada to go the first night she sang. It was La Sonnambula & we enjoyed it immensely & she sang charmingly. Her voice is small but she has great agility & it is very touching—but altho’ she was applauded—there was a good deal of hissing wh must have been very unpleasant. She is small—acts well—but is not pretty on the stage.

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