0Monday. 1st April [1889]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 April 1889 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 1st April [1889]. I have neglected you so long “my dear diry” as the American boy calls you that I hardly know where to begin. Today I just recovering from a severe bilious attack, got up abt 2 o’cl & did not go out. Maria & Nela went driving with Henry at 3 & they returned to tea with me at 5 & Ruth & Ola Du Cane joined us. Mrs Mounsey came to call & amused us with an account of Ct Warsberg the new Austrian Consul at Venice—a great friend of hers but evidently a very queer tempered one. Henry’s cousin Mrs White & her girl also called. Mama came in twice in the morng before I got up. Blanche came in abt 6 & had a long talk about this new plan of taking 17 Cavendish Sqr & having Mama to live with them. Dined at 8 Onslow Gardens with Connie & Charlie—met Dowr Lady Morley & Col. George Gordon & Mr Alfred Burton. We took Connie to Mrs Lowther’s & left her there in the eveng & we deposited Mr Burton at his home in Dover St on our way to our own home.

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