0Tuesday. 2nd April [1889]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 April 1889 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 2nd April [1889]. Busy morning doing accounts & working. Lunch at 1 & Henry went to the Levée & was back very quickly. He says it is the smallest Levée he ever saw & of royalties there were only the P. of Wales & his son. B & Edw came to see me in the morning about the sale of our furniture in the house left us by Mrs Austen (6 Montague Place) today– After lunch I drove Henry down to the Nat. Gallery where there was a meeting of Trustees & then returned for Blanche & took her out driving. We went to Kensington to explore a new shop but did not buy anything—thence to Brompton & bought a fan, to Gorringe’s & then home to tea. Connie & Evely, Nela, Mr Henry Doyle, Mr Alfred Burton dined with us & Evely played the violincello very well in the evening.

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