0Saturday. 27th [July 1889]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 July 1889 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 27th [July 1889]. I was better & able to get up & start for Lucerne. Mama came to see us off & Blanche & Edward also assisted. Nelly Alderson who came up to town & slept here last night accompanied us. Annie Carter went with us. Ola & Nela met us at Charing X station & went with us so that we were a party of 5. Maria, Hallam & Luff were there to see us off. B & E remain at No 1 till next Monday next & Mama joins them there while she is moving out of Langham House so our house will not be empty yet. We had a good crossing & Nela only was ill. At Calais Henry & I got into a sleeping car, the 3 girls went in a 1st class carriage.

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