0Wednesday. 7th [August 1889]—Zurich
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 August 1889 — Zurich
Wednesday. 7th [August 1889]. Left Zurich by early train. I had a bad headache & feeling generally very ill but got better as the day got on. At Buchs we crossed the Austrian frontier & had a fearful scene of confusion. All the luggage was turned out of the vans on to the platform & 2 custom house officials were alone to examine the contents. One had to find ones own boxes & get them opened. Luckily we were aided by a friendly guard & happily it did not rain—the confusion was tremendous & we were all hot & exhausted when we got back into the train only having had time to get broth & bread. On the other side of the Arlsberg tunnel hot coffee was brought to the carriages wh served us. The trains owing to the people coming & going to the Paris Exhibition are all unusually crowded. Dacre had a good deal of trouble having half a box of cigarettes for wh he had to pay 7 fcs & was roughly treated. We reached Landeck abt 6 & went to H. Poste, very comfortable. I had tea in my room & went to bed at once.

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