0Thursday. 22nd [August 1889]—La Punta, Longarone
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 August 1889 — La Punta, Longarone
Thursday. 22nd [August 1889]. Breakfasted with Henry upstairs; wrote letters. Got the Dr from Longarone abt H’s leg. Showery weather. After T went down with French book to read to Henry when we saw a company of ladies & gentlemen approaching & found Ct & Css Morosini had brought over her party from Perarolo to call– There were Css Giulia Persico & her dwarf husband, Ct Mantica & Ct Bianchini besides 2 young ladies & other men. Gave them tea & they started home abt 6. Resumed reading to H till dinner. After dinner patience– Rain & lightening at night. The iron bridge grows & the upright beams are many of them already. Yesterday the foundations were finished & it was amusing to see the water turned back into its proper channel & today rafts came down the river again.

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