0Tuesday. 10th [September 1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 September 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 10th [September 1889]. Today our servants & Eda Alderson leave London to come here & will arrive on Thursday morning. We went at 4 o’cl to the Edens garden & from there started in the steam launch for S. Francisco in Deurto– Arrived there about 7—landed & dined. Yesterday having been full moon we had the moon to return home by & it rose splendid behind the convent just as we were finishing dinner. The scene was a weird one a solitary pine—the large wooden cross under which we sat & the lines of the lagoons—dimly seen against the sky. Coming home as we passed a powder magazine we were stopped by an order from the sentry who bid us keep “a largo” & to extinguish the lamps of our boat & after we had passed gave us permission to light them again. Considering that we had our fires going & the only danger of a spark seemed to be from our chimney this maneuvre did not appear to be very sensible. Found our gondola waiting for us at the Edens’ house & got home abt 10.

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