0Tuesday. 29th October [1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 October 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 29th October [1889]. Still deluges of rain. Spent the morning painting & began to copy in oils the sketch I did in water colours in the hall at Vescovana– Also began to draw a portrait of Eda—that brought us to lunch time. At 3 Dr Cini came & vaccinated the whole household—13 of us—which took an hour– It had cleared up so I went with Henry & the girls went to tea with Mrs Browning. We walked on the Piazza but the wind had suddenly got up & it was not pleasant. Idita Bentivoglio came to tea. I read aloud to Henry. Dined at 7.30. In the evening there came up a great thunderstorm. Ola & I played a duett on guitar & mandola after dinner.

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