0Monday. 18th November [1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 November 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 18th November [1889]. The girls went to the Ducal Palace & I had a long quiet morning modelling & made progress with the draperies of the bust. Was tired & did not go out & rested & wrote letters after lunch. Mr & Mrs J. Chamberlain came to call at tea time. They are on their way to Egypt for the winter. She is very pretty & attractive an American not long married his 2nd wife. Read to Henry. Dined at an official dinner given by Adl Noce to the German Admiral & officers. The Admiral is a big burly man of 6 ft 2. We sat down 20 to dinner. I the only lady present besides our hostess the Sindaco, Ct Tiepolo, the Procuratore del Ré & German & Italian officers made up the number. I sat between the Sindaco & the Adl Noce. Our girls came in the evening & were made much of by the German officers who nearly all of them spoke English– Other officers came in the evening & a few more people. We got to bed abt 12 o’cl.

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