0Saturday. 7th December [1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 December 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 7th December [1889]. I & Nela painted all the morning. After lunch visit from Mr Brown– Went in gondola to Pal. Rezzonico & found Mrs Browning would receive me so sent the gondola to Piazza to fetch Henry & Nela home. I found the old Mr Browning was not so well & had been very ill. I promised to send him barley water. I walked on to the church & found the practise going on. From there on to Mr Eden & had tea with him. Edith Bronson was there. Carry left for England last night & we went to take care of him a bit. The gondola fetched me home– Read to Henry till dinner–

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