0Wednesday. 25th [December 1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 December 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 25th [December 1889]. Christmas Day. Having all hung our stockings on our door handles there was a great filling of others stockings & emptying of ones own—& we all exchanged small presents– Went to church at 10.30– Choral service and carols sang which went very nicely. Began to make Cinderellas ball gown wh had been forgotten—& soon arranged one with white muslin. Mr Eden sent to excuse himself not being well eno’ to dine with us. Arranged rooms—dinner table &c & was very tired but had no time to rest. Mr Woods came at 5 & brought another scene for the 1st tableaux of the Babes in the Wood. Mr Brown came carrying a few tiny bits of mistletoe to hang up– Mr Malcolm, Mrs Hulton (Mr H. indisposed & at last moment unable to come)—Mrs & Miss Bronson, Mrs Brown & Mr H. Brown—Mr Woods, made up our dinner party & we were a large preponderence of women—but got on very well. At 9.30 the company began to arrive & soon after 10 we had the tableaux which were most successful & greatly appreciated. Henry with a billiard cue in his hand did the showman of the waxworks & gave a funny description of each scene. We had a pianist to play between the acts & interludes for refreshments. After all was over Mr Malcolm made the whisky & we had supper & then danced a “Sir Roger” with great spirit & a couple of walzes & reels & got to bed abt 2.

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