0Friday. 27th [December 1889]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 December 1889 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 27th [December 1889]. Read the proof sheets of Henry’s article on the Condottiere for the Quarterly. Very cold & windy day. Helped Ola to arrange a dress of hers. Mme Noce sent her gondola to fetch Nela & Eda to spent the afternoon & play billiards. Ola took a walk with Henry. I did not go out. Mr Malcolm came over to give the accounts for the building of the church & remained to tea with me in the studio. It was reported to be snowing when Henry & Ola came in. Abt 6.30 Henry, Ola, Eda & I went to the Vaudois Church a room at St Maria Formosa to see the Christmas Tree provided for the Vaudois children in number about 40. There were a good many poor people– The children sang & recited sitting patiently by the lighted tree– The Pasteur Revel offered prayers & conducted the entertainment. As soon as the recitals were over we left & did not get back to dinner till nearly 9. It was snowing hard all the evening & a bitter wind blew–

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