0Sunday. 5th January [1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 January 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 5th January [1890]. Went to morning church with Ola– Eda in bed & Nela face swelled– After lunch Henry & Nela went for a walk, Ola to church & I sat with Eda waiting for Cini who pronounces she has an attack of influenza & says she must stop in bed– He also told me that Mr Truscott an Eng: artist was dying of small pox as he had the worst kind. There seems to be much small pox still about & Mr Truscott has only been ill a couple of days. The influenza is also quite an epidemic and Cini said people were struck with it in the streets & had a difficulty in getting home– Annie Carter went to church with us this morning & walking home fell very ill. I fear she has also caught it. Went to tea with Miss Lawley & took Nela. It was such a low tide that we could not land at the Ca Marin Faliero & had to land at the iron bridge & walk back. Read aloud to Henry. Mr Brown & Mr Malcolm dined with us. Mr Brown was in a great state of mind about Mr Truscott. He was with him this morning while Cini was there & pronounced his illness small pox & fatal.

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