0Thursday. 17th April [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 April 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 17th April [1890]. Breakfasted in bed & went at 11 to guitar lesson. Ola went to Covent Garden to buy flowers. Virgie Du Cane lunched with us & Henry took her, Ola & Nela who turned up to the British museum. I had a visit from Mr Henry Reeve & then from Katie Colnaghi who spent the afternoon with me & told me all about her engagement to Mr Philips & how cruelly he broke it off– I fancy she must have had a great escape poor child & he must be a hard man & cracky. Mrs Tom Bruce came later & Mr Hamilton Bell. While I was resting before dinner Blanche came having today returned from the country. We dined at home us 2– Patience–

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