0Thursday. 5th June [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 June 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 5th June [1890]. Got up abt 11. Had our flower boxes in the window filled. Wrote. Blanche came in in the morng & brought her little boy Bertie & I kept him to luncheon & then took him for a drive with me & Henry. We went to Notting Hill to call on Mrs & Miss Tom Taylor & found them at home & then left him at his home. Merthyr left us & returned to Inwood. Mrs Burr came to see me this morning & I also had a visit from Elaine & Corise who were very nice. Kate went off to Siddington to the Luff wedding directly after breakfast & only came home to dinner. Henry dined at the Rates. Blanche & Edward, Mama, Arthur (my brother) dined with Ola & me.

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