0Monday. 9th June [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 June 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 9th June [1890]. I got up at 8—washed & prepared for the operation which was done at 9. Dr Fuller, Mr Smith & the chloroformist were waiting for me in my bedroom. I had taken a little beef tea at 5 A.M. I was sitting ready for the nurse when she fetched me from the spare bedroom where we had slept. I found a mattrass on a table on wh I mounted & at once a mask with chloroform was placed over my face & I must have gone off at once for when I woke it was 10.30 & I found myself in my bed. I was very sick all that day. The Dr came & said I was all right & that the result of the operation had been satisfactory. A cyst had been found & removed just like the one I had had last year. My nurse Rachel Watson was very kind, skilful & attentive & I did not suffer from sickness so long as I had done last year. My wound healed “by first intention.” Henry came up to see me for a few minutes the same day of the operation but I was kept perfectly quiet & saw no one for 4 days & then only 2 people a day– About the 10th day I went out driving & was then able to sit in the morning room—& see nine people– Everybody was very kind in sending me lovely flowers—& I was regularly spoilt. On Wednesday 25th Mr Smith paid me his last visit. On Saturday 28th Mr Fuller also took leave of me & that day also my dear Nurse left me & I dined downstairs with Henry & Ola for the first time.

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