0Thursday. 10th [July 1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 July 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 10th [July 1890]. Got up at 11. Made designs for Blanche’s workers. I went to see Blanche after lunch. Met Connie there. Eda came to pick me up in carriage & we went shopping. Went to Dorés to order a travelling dress for myself & also abt a bonnet to wear at the Marlboro’ House Garden party on Monday. Came home early rather tired. Mama came to see me also Nelly Alderson & Arthur Du Cane. The latter took Eda to see the 4 in hand meet at the horse guard’s. Henry dined at home. Ola dined at Pk Crescent. Eda went to 25 Mansfield St after dinner to see Mrs de la Terriere. Henry & I played patience.

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