0Monday. 14th July [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
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14 July 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 14th July [1890]. Got up at 11. Maria came & sat talking while I was dressing. I went down to Henry’s room & found there Genl Crawford U.S.A. who was delighted to see me—& we had a long chat. Then in came Sir Dominic Colnaghi & remained to luncheon– Monty Alderson arrived before lunch to stay with us. Blanche dropped in to see me & we went off together to Mrs Wallis & Hill about my bonnet wh wanted altering. There we saw another bonnet wh we preferred & I agreed to take. Suddenly there was a crying out in the street & a carriage with 2 horses came tearing down from Cavendish Sqr (we were in Wigmore St) & the carriage coming in contact with a butcher’s cart came down with a smash outside Wallis’ shop. Down went the horses & the butcher was shot out of his cart & picked up with a broken head & taken to the hospital. The horses seemed unhurt & were caught before they could get us & go off again. It all happened in a moment but it so upset me that I burst out crying & trembled all over—& was some time before I could get home to lunch– There was only Sir Dominic, Henry & I & he stayed on some time talking about his daughter Katie’s unfortunate engagement & broken off marriage. I promised him to see her & try & persuade her to be reasonable & to give up all idea of it. At 4.30 Henry & I set off in the carriage for the Marlboro’ House party calling for Mama & taking her with us. We got there at 5 & found a good many people arrived. It had threatened to rain but just then it cleared up. We passing into the house & down into the garden where the Pss of Wales was standing at the foot of the steps & shook hands with all who passed her. I took Mama up to the Pss & she shook hands with us both & then we went on & got on the line to see the Queen pass to the tent prepared for her. I saw Princess Victoria of Prussia passing & she came & spoke to me & regretted we had not met. I also spoke a word to Pss Sophy. By that time it was 6 & I had to set off to Buckingham Palace to see the Empress Frederick. I walked there to save time as the carriage was a long way off & told John to bring the carriage to fetch me. I found Count Seckendorff at the door of the salon on the ground floor & he told me Her Majesty had just gone into the garden & took me out to find her– She was walking along the green lawn towards the lake a solitary figure in deep mourning—a curious contrast to the gay scene I had just left. As soon as she heard our voices she stopped turned & came to meet us affectionately kissing me & I accompanied her in the walk the Ct returning to the Palace. When we got to the lake the ducks came on shore & followed us & the Empress lamented she had nothing to give them so we went back to the Palace to ask for bread & while the servant was gathering it the Empress showed me some of the rooms of the Palace in one there were 2 fine Velasquez—wh she said she would have liked to have seen put under glass. She said how happy she was to be in the old place again where she had spent her youth—& then she showed me a sofa where she had sat with her husband at the time of the Jubilee & added “it was only 9 short years ago & it is too terrible to think it is all over”– She said she had not gone to the Garden party today on account of her deep mourning—“I cannot go to parties”—she exclaimed– When we had the plate of bread we returned to the lake & she fed the ducks & then turned again towards the house. She said she had used to skate & row on the lake with her brothers & sisters when she was a child & was so fond of the place. She told me she starts with the 2 Princesses on Wedy for Athens to be present at the Daughter the Dss of Sparta’s confinement & that Princess Sophy keeps on writing to beg her to hasten out there. While we were going on Genl du Plat came to say the time was up—the carriage ready to take Her Majesty to join the Queen & return to Windsor so she hastened on & got into a carriage with Mlle Perponcher—followed by a carriage containing Ct Seckendorff & Genl du Plat– I got into my carriage & drove home—& went to bed before dinner being very tired– I asked the Empress if she was coming to Venice & would like Malcolm’s house there. She said she intended to come there on her way back from Athens & she also wished to go up to Longarone & Zoldo. Henry & Ola went to the Richter Concert & Monty Alderson took Eda, Nela & Ruth to the same.

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