0Tuesday. 15th July [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 July 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 15th July [1890]. Maria came in the morning to say that Rd has decided that they must not go to Lucerne for the summer & she is very disappointed. I went at 1 to find Blanche but she was out. I saw Mama for a few minutes & then coming away met Eda Alderson & went to a shop with her & back to lunch at 2. We met Monty at our door & he came in to luncheon– Played the guitar to Monty Alderson till 4 when Nela Du Cane came & she & Eda & I went out driving. Went to tea with Lady Lindsay at Hans Place & happily found her alone. Went to try on dress at Doré & got home late so had at once to dress as we dined at 7. Sir Henry Thompson & his son dined with me & took me to the Lyceum to see the Daly (American) Co in the first night of “As you like it.” A very full house & very enthusiastic. The scenery was lovely & the dresses good but the rendering of Shakespeare decidedly American & the Rosalind quite different to ones ideas as she made her rollicking (tho’ not unladylike)– As Sir Henry Thompson said we are accustomed to treat Shakespeare with more respect. It was late when I got home– Henry had been to a man’s dinner at Mr Lynch an old Bagdad acquaintance.

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