0Wednesday. 16th July [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 July 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 16th July [1890]. Katie Colnaghi came to see me before I got up & poured out her sorrows to me about the breaking off of her engagement. I did all I could to comfort her– Maria also came & then Mama so I was hindered getting up till late. Rachel Gurney came to luncheon with us & we took her home to her own abode after lunch. Henry & Eda Alderson went with me driving & she & I stopped at Savile Row to have tea with my brother Monty. Nelly Alderson was there. Lady Romney came & a Mrs Cazenove & Ola & Monty Alderson joined us– After tea I walked home with Eda, Monty A. & Ola. We all dined at home & Henry intended to have taken the young people to a party at Wimborne House but finally stayed at home & we played patience.

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