0Thursday. 17th July [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 July 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 17th July [1890]. Got up at 10. Went with Eda to see Blanche at Caven. Sqr. Lunch at 1.30. Mlle de Perpigna came to see me for 10 minutes before we started for Paddington Station to go down to Bristol by 3 o’cl train. We got there at 5.30 & took a fly to St Vincent Rocks Hotel at Clifton. Dined at 8 & patience. Henry has come down to join a large party of Huguenots who are to visit Bristol. Fred & his 2 girls came down in our train. It began to rain just as we left town—& poured all the rest of the day & all night.

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