0Saturday. 2nd [August 1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 August 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 2nd [August 1890]. Went in the morng to see Blanche & the mother who go to Canford this afternoon. Did some shopping & bought a winter black velvet mantle at M. & Snelgrove the last day of their annual sale. Home to lunch at 1.30. Ola went out to lunch. Signor Smargiassi came to lunch—& directly afterwards Henry went to bed & was visited by Sir Henry Thompson & his assistant Mr Herring—& there he is to remain for some days. I sat with him & read to him. I lent the carriage to the Du Canes & they drove down to Wimbledon. Gave Henry dinner at 7.30 & dined with Ola at 8, & then played patience till 10 in Henry’s room when Mr Herring came to settle him for the night—& I went to bed at 11.

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