0Thursday. 7th August [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 August 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 7th August [1890]. Attended to Henry in the morning. I went at 4 to have my guitar lesson. Ola & Maria drove with me—& fetched me after my lesson– Came home & gave Henry his tea. Found Sir H. Thompson with him who remained with him some time & also had tea– I left them together & drove out again with Maria. Left cards on Miss Rehan– Called on Mr Kingslake, found him at his own door just going out– He insisted on our going in. We did not stay very long. He was as nice & kind as usual & looked rather less feeble. Gave Henry his dinner at 7.30. Ola & I dined at 8 & then sat in Henry’s room & I played patience. Mr Herring helped Henry into bed again & had to call me in to bring brandy as Henry fainted & was some time coming round quite. Mr H. attributed it to the sudden change of position from the chair to getting on his feet. Henry had rather a bad night & I was up several times.

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