0Thursday. 14th [August 1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 August 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 14th [August 1890]. All this week I was called at 8, had my breakfast brought to me & then went to see how Henry was. Today Nurse gave a very good report & she had slept in my room part of the night herself. The Drs came abt 10 & afterwards I took nurse’s place & read aloud a little to the patient. He even got out of bed & sat in a chair to eat his lunch in his dressing gown, but after an hour was so tired he had to get into bed again. At 4 Sir Henry Thompson came & he had tea with me in Henry’s room & recommended him to get up again for dinner. As nurse had not had a very bad night she returned to the sick room at 5 & I was able to go out driving & called on Lady Eastlake & told her about Henry’s illness. Maria drove with me & we went on to Eaton Place to see Lady Bagot & also found her at home. Ola preparing to start with Nela & Virgie tomorrow for Switzerland went to sleep at her own home so Eda Alderson came up from Bournemouth where her family are staying to stay with me– She & I dined alone & I then went & sat with Henry who had got back to bed—& at 11 went to bed pretty tired. Just as I was in bed Nelly Alderson came from dining at 17 Cav. Sqr & soon after Connie arrived boiling with rage & burst into tears to tell me how she had had a violent quarrel with Edward Ponsonby. I soothed her as best I could & sent her home. Nelly went back to 3 Savile Row where she is to sleep & start tomorrow abroad with the Du Cane girls to Bale where Dacre will meet them & Nelly will go on to Geneva. When Connie & Nelly had gone to their homes & I went to sleep very tired.

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