0Saturday. 16th August [1890]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 August 1890 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 16th August [1890]. Henry much better. Nurse had slept in my room & I left him in her care. Drove in the morning to shop with Eda & took Blanche & Vere. We went to Moxon for B to choose chintz & then Eda & I drove on to the Stores to choose lamps for Venice. Henry was up again for some time. I did not go out again but being very tired rested before dinner. Sir Henry Thompson & his son came to dinner with me & Eda & the 2 gentlemen & I went to the Lyceum to see the Americans last night. “Casting the boomerang” was the piece & Miss Rehan acted well– We went behind the scenes to take leave of her & she received us with a good many other people in Irvings dressing room. She promised to send me her photo: & we took a cordial farewell as she leaves England on Monday. Mr Daly made a speech of thanks to the public after the curtain fell & said they hoped to return here next year in the autumn.

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