0Tuesday. 26th August [1890]—Lucerne
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 August 1890 — Lucerne
Tuesday. 26th August [1890]. I went after breakfast but found no chance of getting rooms at the National so we decided we would go on to Baveno on Thursday. The weather cleared a little & Henry went out with me for a little walk in the morning as far as the book shop near the bridge & back. I went to order a Swiss embroidered dress for Theo & came home after him. Lunched out at the Hotel. Took a nice drive in the afternoon by Seebourg & round a lovely road back to Lucerne. I was so much taken by Seebourg that I got out of the carriage & went into a pension where I thought Maria might go another year with her girls. It is a lovely spot & seems nicely & cleanly kept & is a place where steamers call. We got home without rain but it rained again in evening.

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