0Wednesday. 27th [August 1890]—Lucerne
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 August 1890 — Lucerne
Wednesday. 27th [August 1890]. A brilliantly fine day & we determined to go on the lake so we walked to the debarcadère opposite the pension Suisse & went to Fluelen & got there abt 1 & had just time to walk to the return steamer before it started. We had our lunch on board. As soon as we got to Brunnen a tremendous wind got up & it was as much as one could do to sit on the upper deck & I went below. I was sitting in the cabin when in came Mrs & Miss Dawson USA who had been staying at Axenstein & we sat together & had a pleasant talk. They went on to Berne & left us at the Lucerne Station. We went back to the hotel & then went out to buy some biscuits &c for tomorrow’s journey. A thunderstorm came on just as were going to dinner. As we were finishing Paolo came to say Mr Henfrey was there & we recd him in the hall of the hotel as it was pouring in torrents. There we also saw Me & Marchesa Gavotti who told us they had been summoned to Lucerne on acct of the illness of their daughter in law. They did not know what her illness was but they feared she was in danger & feared it was infectious. Mr Henfrey said he is coming next week to Baveno for the last time before he sold Villa Clara & hopes to find us still there.

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