0Tuesday. 2nd September [1890]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 September 1890 — Baveno
Tuesday. 2nd September [1890]. Read aloud. At 12 walked up with Henry & Rina to Villa Clara & Henry examined the pictures wh Mr Henfrey wishes to sell– There is a good portrait by Torbido wh H. would like to see in the National Gallery. Splendid weather & views from the Villa lovely. Returned to Hotel to luncheon– Read aloud to Henry. Mme Cairoli came to call bringing Sr Ricardi, Sr Cecchi, Consul at Aden & a traveller a Sr Pinelli & another whose name I did not catch. Gave them tea in our room & I saw them off by the steamer at 4.45– Paolo returned from Milan.

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