0Monday. 8th September [1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 September 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 8th September [1890]. The girls & Dacre went to bathe at 7 A.M. and were not back till 9.30 so Henry & I breakfasted alone. Gave out stores &c. Practised guitar. Wrote letters– Virgie sat with me. Finished mending 5 pillow slips. Mr Malcolm lunched with us. I got ready to go to the Empress at 3; she sent me word to come at 4.15. Mr Leo Schuster came to call. He has taken Ct Wolkoff’s house for a month. He tells me Mrs Bronson is back here. At 4.15 I went over to the Emp. They were all out & came home soon after & we had tea—& then she talking about a subject to paint & we agreed to go to the Eden’s garden in search of one, so the whole party set off there. We found Adl Noce’s gondola at the door there & hearing that he & Mme Noce were at the sacca I went in search of them & brought her to be introduced to the Empress. When this presentation was over & the Emp. had also chosen a subject to paint we went off round the back of the Giudecca & into it by Stückys Mills & then home as it was late. Mr Malcolm dined with us. Du Canes went out in evening. We went early to bed.

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