0Friday. 19th September [1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 September 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 19th September [1890]. Up as usual. Nela & I painted till 12. Ola accompanied H.M. round the shops & I read French till lunch. Scirocco & hot. At 3 went out in steam launch with Empress & party & 3 Du Cane girls. We went to Murano & landed at the Museum steps—went into the Basilica and thence walked to S. Pietro. The Princesses went straight on to the glass furnaces. I left them there & went back to fetch the Empress & rest of the party. I found that the priest of the church was there Mons: Zanetti & that he was a man we had known when he was tutor to Css Marcello’s boys in the days when we used to stay with her in the country. After leaving H.M. at the furnaces I went on to join the launch & prepare the tea. The nice Italian Coxswain had a talk to me saying how sorry he was that owing to the lowness of the tide & the lateness of the hour he could not take us to places wh the Empress wished to see besides that the steam launch was large & drew a good deal of water– He spoke with great enthusiasm of Her Majesty. We had our tea in the launch making our kettles boil with spirit lamps as we steamed quietly along. It was a lovely evening and very enjoyable. The Empress was in good spirits & we all laughed a great deal over small things & got home abt 7.

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