0Wednesday. 22nd [October 1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 October 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 22nd [October 1890]. My face is better & I got up for luncheon. Mrs Stanley Clarke & her daughter Bess came to luncheon. I did not go out. Mrs Eden came to tea. Henry went out with the Dyers to see an apartment they think of taking in Venice. Mama took a row with the girls. Weather cold & windy. I read aloud to Henry before dinner. Telegram from the Css saying she expects us. The house is in an uproar– Paolo the butler writes me a solemn note saying the cook threw 2 tin candlesticks down the stairs after him. I upbraided her & requested calmer manners.

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