0Thursday. 23rd October [1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 October 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 23rd October [1890]. Up at 7 as usual. Splendid weather. Nela painted & I modelled in wax a little. Did not go out. Mrs & Stella Dyer came at 2 o’cl to bid us farewell intending to leave at 4 for Milan. They had just left us when a present Henry had ordered for Stella arrived & we called them back to give it her. It is a doge’s cap in enamel & precious stones. Later in the day came a note to say they had deferred their departure till tomorrow as Mr Dyer wished them to remain to decide abt an apartment they think of taking. Had tea in the hall. Mr Malcolm dined. Very cold & snow threatens. I had a charming letter from the Empress F.

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