0Tuesday. 4th [November 1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 November 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 4th [November 1890]. Up as usual at 7. Rubelli brought some Oriental carpets & we bought 2 for the centre drawing room– I wrote to the Empress to thank her for the chatelaine. Henry, Mama, Sir Dominic & I went to lunch with Mrs Brown & her son & met Mr John Addington Symonds. He has lately been very ill & looks thin & worn. He is a short dark man. Very pleasant—but has been for years dying of consumption for wh reason he lives at Davos. After lunch Henry went off with Sir Dominic & Mama & I to the Edens garden– Splendid weather & took a walk with Carry on the Sacca & came home to tea. Read aloud to Henry & finished Roederer’s book on the Societé Polie in France. Mr & Mrs Browning dined with us & he & Ola & I played trios in evening.

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