0Friday. 7th November [1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 November 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 7th November [1890]. Painted with Nela– Mr Dyer came & arranged our easels for us & criticised our work. After lunch Henry walked with Nela & I took Mama to the Piazza & we all met there & walked up & down listening to the band wh played a long piece out of “Carmen.” Maria Cozzi came to tea– I read aloud to Henry & we began the Correspondence of Ct Pozzo di Borgo. Mr Dyer & Mr Passini dined with us—& looked over Mama’s fan books wh arrived from London today & wh she is going to present to the Museo Correr.

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