0Friday. 21st November [1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 November 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 21st November [1890]. Woke so tired that I resolved to stay in bed & only got up after luncheon. Read the O’Shea-Parnell divorce case in wh Parnell comes out a prodigious liar & very dishonorable. Helped Nela to arrange a boddice. Mrs Eden came to see me & we discussed the Baring house difficulties & the financial crisis in London. Mr Eden’s ½ brother is Baring of Norman Court. Had tea in the studio & sat talking to Sophie afterwards. Read over Henrys article on old Italian cookery books wh he has this day sent to Murray for his Magazine. Played guitar to Ola’s mandola.

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